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Character Trait of the Month: Optimism
Following spring break, we find ourselves in the final few months of the school year. Basketball season has concluded, and our teams can proudly boast their strong performances. As the weather continues to become warm and the ground dry, students will be playing badminton prior to competing in track & field. In class, students continue working on their various subjects as they begin to see the end in sight. Grade 6 and 9 students will write Part A of their language arts Provincial Achievement Exams, and all students will complete core course studies in the weeks following, before reviewing and preparing for all final course exams. We hope to keep everyone engaged and on task as we move into the final months.
School field trips will be coming up soon, and we welcome parents to join their children as supervisors for the upcoming educational trips. Please contact the identified school supervisors for more information when permission forms are sent home. As always, we welcome parents to visit the school to see what students are doing and how their programs are run. Enjoy the warmer weather, and we hope to see you soon.
- April 12 – No School PD Meeting
- April 19 – Good Friday No School
- April 22 – Easter Monday No School
- April 24 – Early Dismissal
- April 17 – School Council
Registrations will be accepted for the 2019-2020 school year starting May 6, 2019. You must have your child’s birth certificate when you register. Children must be 5 years of age by December 31, 2019. ECS fees are $15.00, payable to Swan Hills School.
It is recommended that you have your child’s ears and eyes checked before September.
If you have any questions, please contact the school at 780-333-4471.
Taco in a Bag Lunch Fundraiser – Wednesday, April 10th Taco in a Bag, drink, and treat for $5
This will be our last fundraising event. We are hoping someone will step up to take over the Grizzly Cubs; it will be sad to see it end.
Thank you for your continued support.
In April of 2014, Courttney Ruecker, Stacey Baker and myself (Jen Stenberg) decided to join the Grizzly Cubs. Along with a few others (Tamara Helder and Sara Rondeau), we tried to make a difference in our school and community. Over the last 5 years, our dedication, the many wonderful volunteers, and our generous community, have accomplished many projects! We were able to purchase a mobile Bose sound system, fund the refinishing of the school bleachers, assist with Public Library subscriptions for students and staff, Floor Curling, and provide funding for field trips and sports equipment. We have also helped purchase a new cooler for the lunch room, and to build a new park for Division 1. The new sound system has been installed, and we are just waiting for the installation of the water bottle refill stations. The last few years have been filled with lots of laughs, many hours, and hard work. We have put on lunch fundraisers, movie nights, dances, Swancicle Days events, 50th Anniversary of Swan Hills events, Christmas Taxi, Regal Fundraisers, Mom’s Pantry Fundraisers, Little Caesar’s Fundraisers, and many raffles. We’ve also continued selling our Grizzly Cubs Merchandise throughout the years at many different events and locations. We are blessed with several wonderful volunteers and we thank each and every one of you who has helped us along the way! Our projects would not be possible without volunteers and our community. Our board is stepping down and we are looking for a new executive. It’s time for new ideas and new faces. You are only as busy as you want to be. It all depends on what you’d like to do. If you have any questions or are interested in filling a role, please let us know. Grizzly Cubs is a great group and we would love to see it continue. Thanks again Swan Hills, it has been a great ride!
Fifty-six elementary students participated in the Swan Hills School Whooo’s Reading Read-A-Thon during February. Division One (Grades 1-3) and & Division Two (Grades 4-6) were equally represented, with twenty-eight students each. Read-A-Thons are an effective way to motivate children to find time each day for reading, a good practice that develops reading skills and helps foster a love of reading.
Family members sponsored students to encourage them to read as much and as often as they could. Students were rewarded for minutes read, how many days in a row they recorded their reading, and for each email to a potential sponsor. They enjoyed accessorising their ‘owl-vatars’, earning ‘wisdom points’, challenging each other, and commenting on one another’s books.
11,472 minutes were logged by our readers during the month. That’s over 191 hours or eight twenty-four-hour days! Thirty of the fifty-six participants raised nearly $2000, which will go to elementary field trips, divided as raised by each division: seventy percent to Division One and thirty to Division Two.
Chloe led the reading with 1489 minutes, or nearly twenty-five hours, and Jairus led the fundraising, bringing in $300 in sponsorships. Jairus also came in among the Top-Ten readers with 843 minutes! Other Top-Ten readers were Sahil, Iten, Brock, Owen M., Anna B., Darbie, Quinn, and Serenity. The other nine Top-Ten fundraisers were Dorothy, Darbie, Terry, Jesse F., Zenon, Hailey, Brock, Serenity, and Aria.
With the support of our community, the 2019 Book Fair wrapped up with sales equalling 2018’s, assuring us that the love of books and reading is alive and well. Hundreds of books went home with families to be read, shared, and treasured.
Thirty-two books were donated to classrooms by generous parents and friends, and the library has ninety-four new books to place on the shelves for our students to enjoy.
Students were disappointed to learn that Clifford and Geronimo Stilton have retired from traveling to book fairs, but it didn’t seem to dampen their spirits when they arrived at the Fair to the diverse assortment of shiny new books, posters, and school supplies.
The school is indebted to the wonderful volunteers who helped make this happen: Dawna Stuart, Lindsey Kilpatrick, Chris & Julie Thomsen, Jamie Raymond, Marilyn McClelland, and the school staff committee, Courttney Ruecker, Alicia Dyck, Colleen Smart, Starr Timmons, and Jen Stenberg.
2018-2019 Yearbook
Deadline for ordering your 2018-2019 Yearbook is March 26. Cost is $15.00. Order online at, or click here for the order form to pay by cash or cheque.