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We have reached the final month of the school year and the last few weeks are filled with a great deal of activity. All staff and students are working hard to ensure core work is completed and all assignments have been handed in. In Divisions 3 & 4, preparations for final exams are in full swing as we get ready for final course tests, PATs, and Diploma Exams. Year-end activities have been scheduled and students will have the opportunity to wind down following a busy school year.
I’d like to thank students, staff, and parents, for welcoming me to Swan Hills School and helping make the first year a good one. We have a wonderful staff who go several extra miles to ensure there are engaging opportunities for their students. The parent community has been highly visible in the school as they support the school and students in various physical and academic programs. Students are active and inquisitive, always looking for exciting new endeavors. Have a great summer everyone, and we will see you all again next year.
- June 1 – No School
- June 8 – No School
- June 13 – Gr. 9 Registration for H.S.
- June 20 – Awards Night
- June 21 – Jr./Sr. Last Day of Classes
- June 28 – Gr. 1-6 Last Day of School
- June 29 – Grad
Grade 9 Registration for High School is Wednesday, June 13, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in Room 202 (Mrs. Hooey’s Room).
The Library is gearing up for the year-end, making sure all the school’s resources are back in place for the summer holiday. All books, except those required for final exams, are due back in the library June 7th.
All students who have all their books returned or paid-for will receive cookies on Thursday, June 7th.
‘Responsible Reader’ awards will be handed out during the week of June 11-15, to students in Grades 1 – 6 who have managed the amazing feat of returning all their library books on time all year. This award recognizes the personal responsibility and organizational skills demonstrated by these students. It also gives us a chance to thank them for returning all their books on time so others may read them.
New! Free eBooks and Audiobooks To Keep Students Reading Through the Summer
Swan Hills School is gearing up for summer break. While summer presents an opportunity to relax and enjoy the sunshine, we want our students to continue to find ways to learn while away from the classroom.
All students and staff now have access to free eBooks and audiobooks at OverDrive. It’s easy and a great way to combat the summer slump.
The Alberta OverDrive K-12 collection provides free, 24/7 access to fiction and nonfiction eBooks and audiobooks. It’s convenient for students to check out titles at home, on the weekends or during school breaks with no worry about misplacing a book or running up late fees – these digital titles automatically return at the end of the lending period!
OverDrive can help students of all ages read more and improve comprehension. Struggling or reluctant readers, learning-challenged, second language learners, and gifted readers can all benefit from this service.
Enrich vocabulary and improve comprehension and pronunciation
- Introduce students to books above their reading level
- Teach critical listening
- Help busy kids find time to read
The collection contains materials for all grades and interests.
- Step 1 Go to (letter case doesn’t matter)
- Step 2 Log in using your school username and password.
- Step 3 Browse, search, and borrow up to three eBooks or audiobooks at a time.
All you need is a browser to read eBooks or listen to audiobooks. Once downloaded, you can read offline. On your devices, try the OverDrive app, OverDrive Listen for audiobooks, or Libby. All are available from Google Play or Apple App store.
No overdue fines! Digital items are returned automatically on their due date, or you can return them early to borrow more.
Encourage your student to check OverDrive out today!
Boredom is not an option this summer.
Visit ‘Student Links’ under the ‘Student & Parent Info’ on our school website for more information.