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- Yearbook Order Form (Deadline April 26)
Character Trait of the Month – Optimism
Believing you will be successful in whatever you set out to do
Spring is here, but winter seems not to have received the memo. I suppose this provides us all with the opportunity to remain curled up with a good book until more of the snow disappears and the temperatures rise. On this note, thank you all for strongly supporting this year’s book fair. Even more important than the great fundraising that occurred, many children and adults became involved in adding to both the school’s and their own personal book collections. April’s Whooo’s Reading Readathon further promotes the joy of reading as students are encouraged to set goals for themselves to increase their minutes of reading.
This month, I want to thank all of the community and the staff members who have gone above and beyond to provide opportunities for our students this year. Parents, staff members, and community representatives, who attend and participate in school activities such as breakfast and lunch programs are very much appreciated, as are those who attend each month’s School Council meetings as active members. Parent and community volunteers work with students in various classrooms, assisting with reading programs or physical activities. Staff members work very hard to run fundraising events to help ensure students are exposed to a variety of educational opportunities, and we owe a huge amount of gratitude to our teachers who coach, supervise, and drive buses for the sport teams and other field trips. Many field trip as well as school-based events are still to come this year, and it is through the efforts and the contribution of time and consideration of staff, parents, and community members, that we are able to organize such activities.
Keep warm everyone, and watch for the flowers and grass to emerge soon.
- April 7 – Division II Bottle Drive
- April 13 – No School PD Meeting
- April 18 – School Council
- April 25 – Early Dismissal
- April 27 – No School
Registrations will be accepted for the 2017-2018 school year starting May 7, 2018. You must have your child’s birth certificate when you register. Children must be 5 years of age by December 31, 2017. ECS fees are $15.00, payable to Swan Hills School.
It is recommended that you have your child’s ears and eyes checked before September.
If you have any questions, please contact the school at 780-333-4471.
Here are two videos that explain how to participate in the Reading-Raiser:
– How to authorize your child’s Reading-Raiser account:
– How to become a sponsor and invite more sponsors:
Your child has received a private online account at where he/she will log reading. Parent and student instructions on how to use the website were sent home on April 3. Your child will not be able to invite any sponsors without your authorization. Follow this link to view instructions on how to use your parent account:
IMPORTANT: Whooo’s Reading works best if you use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox or Safari.
Unlike other fundraisers where we keep only 40-60% of each donation, our school keeps 80% of each donation using this program. We are really excited to promote reading and help our school raise the necessary money for our ongoing needs.
Thank you so much for your support!
Do not park in the staff parking lot from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Do not park in empty stalls and do not block staff members in.
Please do not enter the staff parking lot to drop off or pick up your children. It creates a hazard for our students as they are entering and leaving.
Just a reminder: please call the school in the morning when your child will be absent. Also, if your child has a scheduled appointment, please notify the school. Thank you for your cooperation.
Thank you for your support of our Scholastic Book Fair. Twenty-six school and community volunteers helped us add to our book collections, raise money for the library, and promote the joy of reading. Thirty books were donated to classroom libraries by members of the community. As our portion of the sales profits, seventy-nine books and $786 in cash were earned from the fair for the library.
Scholastic sponsors the family draw, from which Ethan and his teacher each won $25 in Book Fair products. Our volunteer committee put on several student contests as well. Dorothy identified the animal tracks on the bulletin board to win a free lunch card. Luke came the closest to guessing the number of bones in the jar, and Shahreen guessed the shredded book, each winning $5 Book Fair gift certificates.
Check out the slideshow in our Photo Galleries.
The Book Fair will come again next year during our spring parent/teacher interviews. See you then!
April 11 Merchandise Sale
April 16th Duct Tape The Principal 11 am
- Raising funds for Swan Hills School Projects
- $ 1 per piece of tape per person
- $20 per piece per company
April 18th Lunch Special: Chicken Caesar Wrap
- $5 wrap, treat and drink
April 20th Grizzly Cubs Presents Free Family Movie Night
- “Ferdinand”
- Friday at 6:30pm doors open at 6pm
- Concession provided
After 4 wonderful productive years, as of June 30, Jen Stenberg will be stepping down from the Grizzly Cubs as President. Jen stated, “It has been a wonderful experience with great volunteers. We have a very generous community that has helped with the completion of many projects improving the life of staff and students at the Swan Hills School. I wish the School and the Grizzly Cubs the best of luck in their future endeavors. Thanks for a wonderful experience.”
If you are willing or know of anyone interested in taking over this role, please contact Jen at 780-333-1576. It would be nice to have someone work with the group for the next few months to see how it works. Thanks for your continued support!
Visitors Entering the School
All visitors to the school must first check-in at the office, and then proceed into the school.