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Character Trait of the Month: Cooperation
Swan Hills School has a great number of things going on this month.
Right now, staff, students, and parents, are completing satisfaction surveys for both Alberta Education and Pembina Hills Public Schools. Data collected during these surveys assists us in the school and district planning that will occur in the coming months.
Basketball season is still going strong but will conclude over the next few weeks. Cold weather has hindered travel for some of the Division 2 and 3 teams, yet our students have been performing strongly and their skill development over the season suggests they will finish well.
Semester 2 has begun for high school students, and, along with core classes, many are taking newly available courses in Psychology, Fitness and Weight Training (REC/HSS), Design Studies (Com-Tech), and Photography & Animation. Program creation and offerings were based on results from student interest surveys, and Sr. High students now have opportunity to learn in these specific areas of interest that may contribute to future occupations, and they will earn high school credits while doing so. Junior High students also have the opportunity to participate in some of these programs as part of the Career & Technology Foundations option classes. Those showing interest and aptitude are encouraged to enroll in the full Career & Technologies Studies courses when they reach high school.
Also new to the school is OSMO technology, devices compatible with ipads that engage young learners and help provide authentic learning in literacy and numeracy. Parents visiting the school are encouraged to check out the exciting things their children are doing with their devices.
I hope everyone has a great month and that we all experience warmer weather soon.

Thank you to Grizzly Trail in Barrhead for the donation to our Breakfast Program.
- February 7 & 8 – Teacher Convention
- February 15 – No School
- February 18 – Family Day
- February 19 – Grad Photos
- February 20 – School Council Meeting
- February 22 – Talent Show
- February 22 at 2:15 p.m. small gym
- Auditions times February 11, 12, 13, 14, and 19,
- between 12:00 p.m.- 12:20 p.m. in the Music Room
- Sign-up sheets are outside of the office.
Due to the overwhelming student enthusiasm for the program last year, Swan Hills School is again running the Whooo’s Reading Read-A-Thon for Grades 1 – 6. During the month of February, students have the opportunity to log all of their reading online. That includes any reading they do in school and out. Parents can reach out to family and friends through email and social media to sponsor their readers in the program.
Students enjoy earning “coins” and leveling up online. They choose an “Owlvatar” and use the coins they earn to dress them up. After logging 30 minutes, they choose a paper owl to dress up and display on the Whooo’s Reading wall at school. They can also participate in safe, private, online discussions about the books they’re reading, with each other, their family and sponsors, and their teachers.
Our goal is to meet or surpass our 2018 final numbers. Last year, students read 38,142 minutes and raised $3157.80% of all money raised will go to elementary field trips, with each Division’s fundraising going towards their own field trips. Students will have brought information packages home before February 1st. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Kilpatrick.
Important: Please note that Whooo’s Reading is an American program and all donations are in U.S. dollars. Also, the program recommends using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari for the best experience.
Let’s see Whooo’s Reading!
Do not park in the staff parking lot, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Do not park in numbered stalls as these are assigned to Swan Hills School. Please be mindful and do not park in or block staff stalls.
Please do not enter the staff parking lot to drop off or pick up your children. It creates a hazard for our students as they are entering and leaving.
Students will stay inside if the temperatures outside reaches -25 degrees with the wind chill. If there is no wind, students will stay inside if the temperature reaches up to -25 degrees.
The safety of students is our first priority, so we will use our best judgment before sending students outside. Please ensure your child is dressed properly for the weather.
AMA Safety Patrol at the School: Patrollers follow the same policy as the school does for weather conditions.
Our policy states that, “students will have inside recess if the temperature hits -25 with or without windchill. Therefore, if the temperature is -15, but the wind chill puts us over -25, students will stay in. If the wind is calm, the temperature must be -25 in order for students to stay inside.”
Therefore, if the weather conditions fall within this criteria, Patrollers ARE NOT expected to be outside. Their safety and the safety of students comes first.
Please be mindful of the neighbours around the school. Please DO NOT PARK in their driveways or block access to the street.
- Taco-in-a-Bag Fundraiser – at lunch on Tuesday, February 26
- Swancicle Days – Saturday, March 9, Keyano Centre
- Concession 12-10pm Taco in a Bag, Hot dogs, Perogies as well as our usual goodies
- 12:00 p.m.- 1:00 p.m. Inflatables for 6 and under
- 1:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. Inflatables all ages
- 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Family Movie
- 8:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m. Family Dance
Thanks for your continued support.
“In April of 2014, Courttney Ruecker, Stacey Baker, and myself (Jen Stenberg) decided to join the Grizzly Cubs. Along with a few others (Tamara Helder, and Sara Rondeau), we tried to make a difference in our school and community. Over the last 5 years, due to our dedication, the many wonderful volunteers, and our generous community, we have accomplished many projects! We were able to purchase a mobile Bose sound system, fund the refinishing of the School bleachers, assist with Public Library subscriptions for students and staff, Floor Curling, and provide funding for field trips and sports equipment. We have also helped purchase a new cooler for the lunch room, and build a new park for Division 1. As of now, we are waiting for the installation of the new sound system and two water stations. The last few years have been filled with lots of laughs, many hours, and hard work. We have put on lunch fundraisers, movie nights, dances, Swancicle Days events, 50th Anniversary of Swan Hills events, Christmas Taxi, Regal Fundraisers, Mom’s Pantry Fundraisers, Little Caesar’s Fundraisers and raffles. We’ve also continued selling our Grizzly Cubs Merchandise throughout the years, at many different events and locations. We are blessed with several wonderful volunteers and we thank each and every one of you who has helped us along the way! Our projects would not be possible without volunteers and our community.
Our board is stepping down and we are looking for a new executive. It’s time for new ideas and new faces. You are only as busy as you want to be; it all depends on what you’d like to do. If you have any questions or are interested in filling a role, please let us know. Grizzly Cubs is a great group and we would love to see it continue. Thanks again Swan Hills; it has been a great ride!”
~ Grizzly Cubs Executive