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Character Trait of the Month: Empathy
I frequently receive questions about high school program funding, how credits work, and what high school redesign is all about. Although there is not enough space in this column to provide full explanations for each of these, I’d like to provide a brief overview on how high school programming has changed over the past few years.
For many years, high school students have been required to attain a minimum of 100 credits achieved through completion of various courses in order to graduate. These 100 credits must include particular core courses specified by Alberta Education, as well as a variety of electives, and students will often complete additional courses (in excess of their 100 credit minimum) determined by their interests and post-secondary requirements. High school funding was derived by Credit Enrollment Units (CEU’s) linked to student completions of each course and the associated credits. The number of CEU’s students earned each year resulted in a higher or lower amount of funding, compared to the block funding (set amount per student) provided for kindergarten to grade 9 student enrollments. High school students were required to receive 25 hours of instruction per credit and CEU, regardless the course content or student ability.
Alberta Education’s Moving Forward With High School Redesign, of which Pembina Hills Public Schools and most other districts and Alberta have been a part for several years, are no longer funded by CEU’s. High School students in Pembina Hills are now block funded, and there is no requirement of 25 hours of instruction per credit so long as students are instructed in all outcomes as per the Program of Studies and are able to demonstrate competency. Some courses and some students may still require at least 25 hours of instruction per credit while others may not. It is for this reason that many students are able to complete a larger number of Career & Technology Studies (CTS) courses than in past years while core subject courses (5 credit courses) often require at least 125 hours of instruction. Students demonstrating competencies in particular subject and interest areas can complete more courses more quickly. A benefit to students and schools is that students may complete a greater number of additional courses (including dual-credit courses) in their areas of interest than in the past, and/or they may be able to graduate ea
rly should they be able to meet course and credit requirements in a shorter period of time. Schools do not receive additional funding based on extra courses students complete; they are funded on the base amount per student per year regardless the number of courses students complete.
There are many great opportunities under High School Redesign, and there are some challenges as we and other schools work with students to provide the course and programs they require. Schools and districts across the province are sharing ideas on what they are doing and how students may benefit. As mentioned above, this is just a brief overview on past and present programming as related to high school accreditation. Those who are interested in further details can review Alberta Education’s information online, or contact me at Swan Hills School.
November 5 – Photo Deadline Order
- November 7 – Early Dismissal
- November 9 – Remembrance Day Service: 10:00 a.m. large gym
- November 12 – No School
- November 16 – Photo Retakes
- November 5 – Photo Deadline Order
- November 21 – School Council Meeting
- November 23 – PD Day
- November 28 – Early Dismissal
- November 30 – No School
School Photos were sent home. Photo orders are due November 5, 2018. Retakes are November 13.
Please do not enter the staff parking lot to drop off or pick up your children. It creates a hazard for our students as they are entering and leaving. As well, do not park in the staff parking lot, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Do not park and block staff members in.
Please be reminded that students who do not have after-school commitments must leave the school or be picked up by 3:45, as there is no supervision after that time. We have had some issues with students found either walking the hallways or being outside alone, and this creates a safety risk for them. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.
You have received Demographic Verification Forms with your child. This is a two-page sheet. Make sure you complete both sides. Please check over the current information. If any changes are required, correct the information in the “Corrected Information” column. Please SIGN and date the front side of the form stating that you have received and changed all of the information. Along with the Demographic Verification Form, you will also need to complete a FOIP from and Elements at Risk form. Please return the Demographic Verification Form whether or not changes are made along with the other signed and completed forms. If you have not returned these forms, please do so ASAP.
Winter is here and the staff would like to remind all parents to dress their children for the cold weather. The students are outside for breaks throughout the day and need that warm clothing. It is important for elementary students to come with snow pants or waterproof pants. This will prevent your child from having to sit in wet clothing or to call you in the middle of the day to bring dry clothing to the school.
Students will stay inside if the temperatures outside reaches -25 degrees with the wind chill. If there is no wind, students will stay inside if the temperature reaches -25 degrees.
The safety of students is our first priority, so we will use our best judgement before sending students outside. Please ensure that your child is dressed properly for the weather.
AMA Safety Patrol at the School. Patrollers follow the same policy as the school for weather conditions.
Our policy states “students will have inside recess if the temperature hits -25 with or without wind chill. Therefore, if the temperature is -15, but the wind chill puts us over -25, students will stay in. If the wind is calm, the temperature must be -25 in order for students to stay inside.”
Therefore, if the weather conditions fall within these criteria, Patrollers ARE NOT expected to be outside. Their safety and the safety of students comes first.
If you would like to volunteer, assist in classrooms, or participate in classroom activities on special occasions, please ensure you have the appropriate paperwork completed. Volunteer papers can be picked up from the office, and you will also require a Criminal Record Check. Overnight trips will also require a Child Welfare Check.
All visitors to the school must first check-in at the office and then proceed into the school.
As supervision of students begins at 8:25, please do not send your children to school too early. During inclement weather, students will be permitted to wait inside the entrances.
Swan Hills School Students’ Union would like to thank the following businesses and individuals for their generous donations to the Halloween Howler Raffle Table and Dance Door Prizes:
2082470 Alberta Ltd. (Chris & Melissa Tout)
- Draft Oilfield Services (Kelly Stenberg)
- Marty and Stephen Freckelton
- Grizzly Cubs
- Guye’s Backhoe Service (Cody Lappin)
- Jessica Hamel
- Hillside Studio/Young Living (Brandy Schonheiter)
- J’s Tubgrinding (Jay Paul)
- Nancy Keough, Swan Hills School Board Trustee
- The Keough Family
- Rose Lewis
- MRC Global (Dave Kelly)
- Northwell Oilfield Hauling (Winston King)
- Pembina Pipe
- Point N’ Drop Dance Studio
- Wisp (Melanie Hemsworth)
- Epicure, Young Living, Tupperware (Karry Yaro)
Proceeds are being used to purchase furniture for the SHS Students’ Lounge.
Thank you, Everyone!!
November 13th Swan Hills Craft Fair – Come check out the new merchandise, new logo, and track pants. See you at the Keyano Center!
November 20 Lunch Fundraiser – Spaghetti, Garlic Toast, Drink, and treat for $5
November 26th Merchandise Sale – 3 way stop from 11:30-12:15-come pick out a gift or stocking stuffers. T-Shirt Sale for Christmas- Adults $17.00 -Kids $12.00
Christmas Raffle
- 1st prize $2000
- 2nd prize $750
- 3rd Prize $250
- Tickets $10 each
- Draw date December 10, 2018 at the Swan Hills School
- Tickets are available at ATB or from Grizzly Cubs Jen Stenberg, Courttney Ruecker, Stacey Baker, and Sara Rondeau.
Thanks for your continued support.